Topox, I heart you.

Over the years I have certainly had my favourite stores. Among them, Club Monaco, Holt Renfrew, J.Crew, etc. Funny enough, many of them have stuck through with me through thick and thin...and have been on my list of favorites since my early teens, particularly Club Monaco. And most of them seem to have evolved as my style has. For me there is this sense of satisfaction and comfort in finding a store that suits me...and even better, a store whose salespeople, fashion consultants, etc seem to jive with me as well. I must admit that I never quite thought that I would find this in Switzerland, but much to my surprise, I have.

I first discussed Topox last summer. I had seen their simple white sign displaying a few of my favorite brands while strolling through Lausanne on Saturdays, but for some reason had never ventured in, until that fateful day. I finally took the plunge and well, I was immediately hooked. The interior of the store is done in light and dark greys. It is simple and modern. The clothes are hung on sturdy yet elegant black hangers. Much of the clothing is in muted tones and of course there is a lot of black. There is a pop of colour every so often - not too much and not too little.

Many of the brands they carry I knew of before venturing in, including T by Alexander Wang, Humanoid, ALC and N.D.C made by Hand. Two brands whoever, both of which are now staples in my wardrobe, I came to discover because of this great little boutique. The two brands, R13 and Golden Goose, both of which deserve blogs of their own (to follow shortly, I promise!) are Italian. R13, which focuses primarily on denim seems to combine rocker and feminine in a pair of jeans. Golden Goose combines Italian spirit with British tailoring. Both brands are modern and experimental.

Not a Saturday in Lausanne goes by without a visit to Topox to browse and catch-up with Yasmine, whom I wish lived in our spare bedroom and could help me get dressed every morning. I have also been known to stop in at lunch time during the week, if I feel the need to get out of dodge for a little bit. And yes, I generally don't leave empty handed.

The store has a very loyal clientele, and it is quite common that I see the same people time after time. There is also a great sense of openness amongst those that shop fact, it was because of a fellow shopper and her recommendation that I eventually bought this outrageous but absolutely fabulous pair of R13 jean and leather pants!

Topox, I heart you.

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