Do I have it in me... run a marathon? If you had asked me that question two years ago, I would have said no problem (well, not no problem...but doable). Today, I am not so sure. What makes one person a marathon runner and another not? And what is a runner?

This non-runner turned runner during the summer and fall following my Masters, when I spent a few months in Prince Edward Island job searching. The job hunt took a few months, which gave me a perfect amount of time to master the 5km and the art of making oat cakes. When we moved to Calgary that December, I was ready to take on the running world. I signed up for my first 10km clinic at the Running Room and did not look back. I never thought that I would be that person that would sleep with her running clothes next to her bed, but I was. I even use to look forward to the early 8am runs on Sunday morning. I ran my first 1/2 in -40C...I was finally a runner!

When we left Calgary in February 2008, I was determined to keep it up. I succeeded, for a few months. And that was probably due to my competition roommate Erika, who too wanted to become someone obsessed with running. So, we ran a half marathon that fall and another following spring...and I haven't ran a 1/2 since. Why? I have never thought of myself as someone who lacks motivation, but could that be it? Or, was it the thought of not wanting to let down my fellow runners at the Running Room that ensured I kept lacing up my runners? I will be frank, I think the problem lies in the amount of hours that I spend in front of a computer. I am not all that tempted to go for an hour, heck even 30 minutes, at 8.30pm or 9.00pm at night. But that is not an excuse. There are people who get up at 5am to get in their long runs.

Thankfully I have found a new running partner in Rob. And to add a little bit of pressure, I have signed up for the Barcelona marathon (there, I said it out that everyone knows, I can't back out!). I have told myself that today is the day I get back into it...but do I say that every Sunday? I have told myself that I will put on my running shoes today and run as far as I can run...perhaps a long run without any pre-set time or length is what I need to get back into it. I guess I will let you know in March...depending on if I am on the start line or not.

Off for a run...wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh I wish the same thing! I hate running, but I managed to keep it up every day for a summer. The habit died once classes started again of course, but lately I've been thinking about signing up for a half marathon. It's time to get back in shape, and it's always easier when you have a tangible goal to work towards. Maybe you will be my inspiration! :) Good luck! xo
