Burger Bonanza

It is my personal opinion that the best burger is one that is homemade...one that has been grilled in the backyard, with a cold refreshment in hand. My personal favourite would include cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise, avocado, tomato, lettuce...and for me, a burger is not a burger without banana peppers!! I know that my homemade preference would probably be contested, especially by burger connoisseur Jorge Vazquez. Mr Burger, as I will refer to him from now, has a soft spot for beef between two pieces of bread, and it is this soft spot that has inspired me to write this blog and for us to embark on the Burger Bonanza.

So, what is the Burger Bonanza? It is the mission to find the world's best burgers. The uncontested reigning champion of the BB is the Big cheese. burger from Holy Cow in Lausanne. This burger, which is topped withcheese, lettuce, ketchup and caramelized onions is so good that it is the only reason that Mr Burger gets out of bed on a Saturday. While there are no exact requirements for a burger to make it onto the list...there are a few things to keep in mind...juiciness is obviously a must and freshly ground meat or chicken breast doesn't hurt either. The bun is also important, and the ratio of meat to bun has to be perfect. Extras such as fresh tomatoes, crisp lettuce, grilled onions and cheese are important to some and not as much to others. Some people think it detracts from the important stuff but to me and Mr Burger, it is all about the whole package. To make it onto the champions list, the burger has to reach or exceed all of the requirements on the list. While Mr Burger is our in-house expert and he will be taking the lead on taste testing over the coming weeks and months, we welcome burger reviews from around the world...

Happy eating!



  1. My candidate for best burger in the world ever

    The 'Cowboy' at Holy Cow. Easily the best one there and I refute any other suggestions claiming any different. If some folks like chicken, that is fine. If some folks like small, junior burgers, that too is fine. But they are inferior to the Cowboy. It takes a real man, or a manly woman to eat one of these. Double patty, and filled with goodness - bacon, caramelised onions, Swiss cheese, salad, cajun mayo and ketchup. Your hands will barely fit around it, and if they don't stick to a junior. If they do, you are visiting heaven for ten sumptious minutes.

  2. Since this blog was posted I've been in HC at least twice, both times thinking of having some other burger to try a new one... but when the moment of truth comes (in front of the counter to order) I feel that getting another burger will be unfair to the best burger in the world (so far) the big cheese. That is why I will try different burgers in different restaurants and different countries, but in HC will always be the BIG CHEESE!
